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4 years ago
Nice track
5 years ago
Illicit it is a wheelie are you stupid.if it is an auto thats on 1 wheel it counts as a wheelie
RdMahbulisto this isnt an endo its a nose bomb/dive.On an endo you actually have to brake to stay on the front wheel but you dont do that on this so it is a nose bomb/dive
8 years ago
This is pretty cool, but its not a wheelie.
4 years ago
Nice track
5 years ago
Illicit it is a wheelie are you stupid.if it is an auto thats on 1 wheel it counts as a wheelie
5 years ago
RdMahbulisto this isnt an endo its a nose bomb/dive.On an endo you actually have to brake to stay on the front wheel but you dont do that on this so it is a nose bomb/dive
8 years ago
This is pretty cool, but its not a wheelie.