Smooth N Trails #3 (18 Stars)
Published 9 years ago - 10.6k plays
Thank you for 4th-8th subscribers.
This is Most of track is Trails and had 3 hard bit (Form mine)
And a bit shorter form 2nd version.
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5 months ago
mbcool he was just trying to be mbkind
4 years ago
Thanks for telling us it had 18 stars! We all had no idea. *points to the top of the screen*
4 years ago
I usually don't give these tracks a second look, but I thought I would just give this one a go, dunno why. My time is TERRIBLE haha but the track isn't. A real enjoyable challenge, I had loads of fun doing this one. The checkpoints are perfectly placed. I liked all the different obstacles, each was a different challenge from its predecessor. Great track - 8.5/10
4 years ago
really hard