Fail Or Win

Published 10 years ago - 337 plays
You can choose any vehicle and you need to go as quick as you can from the start to finish. Took me 2 hours.
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10 years ago
-18 1i 18 1i,14 1j 1g 23 28 31 31 3u 3r 4q 4m 5j 5h 6c 6e 73 7c 7o 8a 8c 9a 8u aa 9e bc 9t ce ab dh an el b2 fr bb h1 bi i8 bo jg bs ko bv m2 c0 nd c0 op bu q5 br rj bm t1 bg uh b8 101 av 11i ak 134 a7 14o 9p 16c 99 176 91,176 8v 17h 8p 185 8c 18p 7v 19d 7i 1a0 74 1ai 6m 1b3 67 1bk 5o 1c4 59 1ck 4p 1d3 49 1dh 3p 1dv 38 1ec 2n 1eo 25 1f4 1j 1ff 11 1fp e 1g3 -5 1gc -o 1gl -1c 1gt -20 1h4 -2k 1ha -39 1hg -3v 1hm -4k 1hq -5a 1hu -61 1i1 -6n 1i4 -7f 1i6 -86 1i8 -8u 1i8 -9a,-17 1f -1b hf 1fn gv,18 ap